
Winchester Crown Court – September 2024

On 17 September 2024 a lengthy legal battle concluded, where the defendants, including Damian Lambkin, Chris Littlewood, Ian McQuaid, Adrian House, and Reece Baker, have been found not guilty of all charges. In a remarkable turn of events at Winchester Crown Court, the Environment Agency (EA) announced they would offer no evidence, leading the court to deliver a verdict of “Not Guilty” for all of the Defendants. This decision brings an end to years of intense scrutiny, allegations, and reputational damage inflicted upon these individuals and their businesses.


Restoring Professional Reputations


This trial was a criminal case centred on allegations of conspiracy to commit fraud, with potential sentences ranging from 18 months to ten years in prison. The outcome, however, has fully exonerated all the defendants, whose professional reputations have suffered greatly under the shadow of the EA’s accusations.


For many years, the defendants have been integral parts of the waste recycling and compliance sectors, and they have now been vindicated after a trial that has highlighted significant issues in the EA’s conduct and handling of evidence. Jonathan Bell of Dyne Solicitors, who led the defence for Damian Lambkin, and Sarah Jones KC were instrumental in defending their clients, ensuring that justice was done.


An Unjustified Attack by the EA


Throughout the trial, it became evident that the EA’s investigation had been deeply flawed. Delays in disclosing evidence, including circa 1500 – 3000 documents all of which have still not been disclosed, raised serious concerns about the fairness of the process. Many of these documents were critical to the defence and were found to contradict the EA’s accusations, particularly those surrounding the claim that the batteries at the heart of the case never existed. Co-defendant Chris Littlewood was able to present clear evidence that proved the batteries did, in fact, exist, directly undermining one of the EA’s central arguments.


The EA’s mishandling of the case has not only caused undue harm to the defendants but has also called into question their broader practices. The defendants have spent years fighting to clear their names and are relieved that the truth has finally come to light.


Victims of an Aggressive Prosecution


While this verdict is a victory for justice, it is important to remember that the defendants have been victims of a long and stressful legal process. The EA’s actions have had a profound impact on the personal and professional lives of these individuals, many of whom have been leaders in the recycling industry for decades. For example, Damian Lambkin, one of the founders of Fenix Battery Recycling Ltd, faced discriminatory practices when applying for permits to operate, while the EA publicly defamed him through various press articles, stating he was under investigation for fraud. These actions led to severe damage to his reputation, both within the industry and in the public eye.


A Clear Message: Innocent of All Charges


The defendants’ not guilty verdict in this case underscores their innocence. Over the years, the EA has , tarnished the reputation of Damian Lambkin and casting doubts on his integrity. These public accusations, paired with the EA’s failure to disclose crucial evidence in court, have revealed a prosecution built on weak foundations.


The defendants are now seeking to rebuild their professional reputations and move forward, having been fully exonerated by the courts. This verdict clears their names and restores their standing within the industry, proving that they were wrongly targeted.


Quotes from the Defence Team


Jonathan Bell of Dyne Solicitors, the lead defence lawyer for Damian Lambkin, said, “This verdict is a welcome end to what has been an incredibly challenging time for all the defendants. The EA’s case was built on assumptions, and we are pleased that the court has recognised the innocence of our client”



What’s Next for the Defendants


Now that the defendants have been acquitted, they are focusing on restoring their careers and rebuilding the businesses that were affected by the EA’s accusations. For many, this process will involve reconnecting with clients, colleagues, and industry professionals who stood by them during this ordeal. The defendants also hope to address the broader issues of fairness within the waste recycling and compliance sectors, ensuring that smaller operators are not unfairly targeted by regulators. A New Vision for the Industry


In response to the difficulties faced throughout this case, Damian Lambkin has developed a new platform,, aimed at ensuring no other businesses endure the same challenges. is an innovative system providing real-time tracking of waste movements and a fully digital duty of care. It allows recyclers to trade waste materials, perform their own returns to regulators, and access complete transparency in compliance, all with the click of a button.


This platform is a step forward in ensuring that the waste and recycling industries can operate with fairness, transparency, and accountability. It also acts as a safeguard, giving businesses the tools to defend themselves from undue regulatory scrutiny. As more companies adopt this system, Damian hopes it will transform how the industry manages compliance and documentation, preventing the kind of targeting smaller operators like him have faced in the past.


Moving Forward


With their innocence confirmed, the defendants are now committed to moving forward and continuing their contributions to the recycling and waste compliance industries. They have demonstrated resilience throughout this ordeal and remain passionate about upholding the highest standards of integrity in their respective fields.